lundi 23 janvier 2012

Declaration of love


I want to tell you that every day of my life that I spent dreaming of you has never been beautiful as The day when I met you. Know that I never really thought that one day I find the ideal woman, but when i found you before me, the world made me realize it was you, only you and nobody else. The world made me realize that in the bottom of your eyes, I could see a light which I could never separate .and then, I've watched more closely and saw that the light shone something far more magnificent than all my dreams ... You know, I have long sought to understand what happened to me, what is behind all this, but already the first day the first day I had to show you my love for you and the first moments of happiness and emotion that we have shared together made me realize that you are my destiny. With you, I quickly realized that my life was getting a real sense, a true off when my eyes in yours. When I look in my true love's eyes. Young as any spring, your eyes almost sing to me Next, when I held you hand for a while or you make me smile. I've never felt so good and so close to someone other than you Neyzil, and it was enough for me to get away only a few meters from you, I feel so abandoned by everyone, neglected and empty of anything important ... You're simply the best gift that heaven has given me because you know, without you, everything turns black very quickly and I feel that life brings me nothing. Without you, nothing is the same and I do not know who I am, I do not know where I go, because the night when I think of you and you're not, I have to understand that your smile and just your smile make me happy, I have not your sweet eyes to realize that you love me, and I have not the sound of your voice lulled me to sleep in a world without worries.. . You're like half of my heart and I feel that one breaks my heart when I have to say goodbye. My dear, the vision of your face and your name is so deeply engraved in me, that if I die of grief tomorrow, they still continue to shine. for eternity. So I want to tell you, to reassure your soul can be a little fragile and to show you again that I want to protect, that I will never be possible to think for a moment what would my life without you because it was you who build the love life of our coupled and because it is ultimately you who was thinking first, my love: I love you FOREVER...
A little honesty, now...
In truth, I realize that I find you really nice, funny, open minded, smiling ... in one word: perfect.
I like you more, and it makes me a little bit scared, I am still bruised by my mistakes. I do not just get carried away (well, that's too late ...) for nothing.
I wish I could tell you about all these thoughts that crossed my mind for so many months. I would like you describe this so fragile and powerful feeling that makes my heart beat so hard.
When you're away from me, I lack of oxygen, I exist only half ... I miss your eyes neyzil on every move to feel there...
But many months since my heart drummed to the rhythm of love and thanks to you my angel, all the wounds of my heart so fragile yet were dressed, and to thanks you for what I can do, other than to entrusted you my heart, because you are the only how know to take care of him.
Like fire needs wood, snow cold, my heart needs you, and whatever happens, I will always love you like the first day, and if one day I die and that opens my heart, you can read it in golden letters I love neyzil ...

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